Aufruf von „European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and the City“: Internationaler Protest gegen MIPIM, die weltgrößte Immobilienmesse am 11.-14.3. in Cannes

The European Action Coalition for the Right to Housing and the City organizes an international protest against the huge speculation prepared in MIPIM, the biggest real estate fair of investors and large landowners in Cannes.
Housing and city right groups from diverse places in Europe like Amsterdam, Athens, Barcelona, Geneve, Istanbul, Padova, Lisbon, Milano, Rotterdam, London, Rhine-Ruhr-Metropolis, Wallonie, and diferent cities from France will be present denouncing speculation.
Each delegate will present a plea alleging violation of investors and the financial world attending MIPIM , as well as the impact on people’s lives and the privatization of the city, choosing the most egregious and ongoing cases in their own country.

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